Friday, October 21, 2011


It was such a beautiful day today, had a massive 4 course meal with family in the sunshine, then a spot of gardening, and a casual helping of a friend to move stuff. So it seems a bit strange to post these pictures, but I really love them. I can imagine them being blown up massive and being grainy and gorgeous at the same time. Taken in the dodgy park just down the road as I was walking to a friends place - in the dark - by myself. Worth it tho.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So, it has been 12 months since I posted here. I started out with a hiss and a roar and then had the wind knocked out of my sails, so to speak. Everything changed and I capsized.

Now I have decided to resurrect. Like an artifact from Titantic, I want to share the treasures of life.

I have even decided to write.
I might rave a bit, have a moan, or blah on about somethings. 

So here it is, even if no one follows that's OK cos everyone should have a creative outlet....or ten.

I have been reading a few other blogs (ok, I have like fifty saved in my "blog" bookmarks) and have been inspired somewhat.

KP, Captain of this ship.